Monday, May 26, 2008 |
 You know what that is?? That's a "dishwasher".... it's this amazing machine thing where you put all your dirty dishes in and then they come out clean!! We are one of the lucky ones to have just received this new invention and I must is amazing!! I highly recommend everyone getting one of these :) |
posted by jamie @ 2:08 PM  |
oooohhhh!!!!!! i am SO happy for you because I want one so much. i literally spent all day trying to get my dishes done and finally got takeout for dinner because i washed the last dish from breakfast at 4:45pm and i couldn't handle dirtying any more dishes! enjoy!
Wow, it's sure pretty! And I know it will be one of your favorite appliances. And you'll break less glassware (at least I did - we couldn't keep glasses in the house before our dishwasher, I broke them all...)
Love you, MOM
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i am SO happy for you because I want one so much. i literally spent all day trying to get my dishes done and finally got takeout for dinner because i washed the last dish from breakfast at 4:45pm and i couldn't handle dirtying any more dishes! enjoy!