I've had to get my head back into school mode today because I have the wonderful opportunity of requesting credits for all my crisis centre training, so I've been working on putting together an essay basically proving that my training and experience covers as much as a class would. It's been kind of neat going through my old materials and looking at all that stuff again - I can remember writing posts on here about hearing my first call on speaker phone and how I cried through the whole thing while another volunteer talked...and writing about actually taking my first call and getting reamed out by the caller who said "what are you, like 16??".... ahh those were the days :) And if I'm lucky, I will be able to communicate all that I learned over the phone in a 1 hour interview that will allow me to basically take out an entire class (4 credits) that I would've had to take! I am also going to try and get some credit (2 credits) for leading my outreaches while in YWAM, though that topic is a little harder to narrow down into a subject and essay. We'll see though.
The house is coming along nicely, Craig and his dad are down in the basement right now putting the rest of the dry wall up. In a few days the cabinets will get here and it really start to look like a furnished basement. It will be nice when it's all done - the guys have really been working hard and I'm sure are ready to be done with it all. I'll post more pictures of our floor once we've been able to paint and get all the pretty (ugly) wall paper off the walls.
Other than that, not too much is happening. Last weekend I sang on the church worship team which went really well, and then afterwards went out for sushi with 2 girls. That was so great to have some girl time and I am really hoping some good friendships will develop from that. Also this Tuesday softball starts, which I am really looking forward to. And I have to go to the dentist tomorrow which I am really NOT looking forward to :(
  Labels: Empire State College, Vancouver Crisis Centre |
The place is really shaping up since I was there last...now it's time for you and I to get out our painting clothes, get painting and get the job done! It will look great when it's all done. See you soon.