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    Thursday, April 10, 2008
    There was a new ER on tonight! YAY! Shows are back!

    We move to our new home in 3 weeks from today ---- I can't wait!! And then I don't have to move again for like 3 or 4 years..I can't believe it.... I haven't lived someplace longer than 1.25 years since Tomahawk Wisconsin, back in in 2001. Seriously...so yeah, I'm excited.

    Oh and great news, Craig got an awesome summer job with a really nice golf course in Niagara Falls. I'm really happy for him because it's going to be doing something that he loves, and he gets to play free golf at a really nice course that we would never be able to afford. I was thinking about picking up a second job but I am really hoping I can just keep picking up enough shifts at Old Navy to make it around 30 - 35 hours a week. If i can do that, I don't think I'll need a second job but if not, I'll have to find something. We're both excited to have our first full year of school completed...only 3 more to go now, although that seems like a lot. I love my online classes and would highly recommend it to anyone whose not 18 and wants to go back to school. It's a great learning environment for adults. And check out what I learned how to do in photoshop - who knew it had animation capabilities? Not me!! This was my assignment for this week... we had to use our logos we made last week and turn them into an animation :)

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    posted by jamie @ 8:48 PM  
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    Name: jamie
    Home: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
    About Me: I am an American living in Ontario. I've just recently started going to school again for a BA in Human Services. I like mexican and indian food and watching tv way more than the average individual. I absolutely love talking to my parents on the phone and my brother is one of my best friends. I'm married to a great guy whose pretty much the exact opposite of me but he loves me and makes laugh and we have a lot of fun. I didn't always feel this way, but these days I'm feelin' pretty good. That's my life, welcome to chaos and order.
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