This is the last time skybus will screw over my family ---why? Well, because they've shut down..practically in mid-flight, stranding my poor mother in Florida. JERKS! I seriously can't believe airlines are allowed to do that. I mean, I can understand them canceling all future flights starting in a week or 2, but to leave a bunch of people while half way through their trip is just so wrong! Ugh...anyway, guess I wont be writing about them anymore. You know I've learned a valuable lesson in all of this; if something seems to good to be true, than it probably is.
Anyway friends, you might be interested to know that I've joined one of the worship teams at church. It's not one that plays during the sunday service though, it's one that plays on friday nights for something called "Celebrate Recovery" which is sort of like a christian version of AA but deals with all sorts of things, not just recovery from substance abuse. I went last night just to check it out and it's pretty cool. I'm looking forward to playing again and participating in musical worship.
That's all for now, more later. peace.Labels: celebrate recovery, skybus |
like they don't even get her on another flight?? wow. that sucks. hope she makes it to her destination. glad you blogged.. i missed you!