Friday, March 21, 2008 |
 Remember how a year ago I talked on my blog about being able to fly from Bellingham to Columbus for $10 on Skybus? Well, we were sooooo excited when Skybus opened up in Niagara falls, because then if we booked early enough, it was cheaper to fly down to my parents' than to drive! They just opened up flights from April - July a few weeks ago, so right away we got on there and booked a flight for me to visit my family in the end of April, and then for me to get to my friend Steph's wedding in June (fly to Columbus, stop over, then to Milwaukee).
Well, just got an email saying that Skybus is "cancelling" their Niagara service as of April 1st - or in other words, they're not even starting it even though everyone's already bought up tons of seats for the whole summer. UGH! I don't understand why they can't just suck it up and still fly the ones that already booked, and then stop after July when they hadn't even opened up any seats yet. It's a big bummer for us. I've got to cancel my columbus - milwaukee flights now too because of it.
Well anyway... I don't have any deep thoughts today. It's good friday, which makes me miss my ywam guys because we always had something going on around this time. We're not going to go to church tonight because I'm pretty much going to be there all weekend because of performing with the Easter choir. It was kind of neat in the practice last night, we're singing with a whole band of instruments, guitar, keys, brass, flute, drums, congos. I think it sounds pretty good. I'll try to get Craig to take a picture so I can post it. That's all for now, gotta get some homework done. |
posted by jamie @ 11:42 AM  |
very lame! it kind of reminds me of jetsgo...remember them...yeash!
Bummer, they dont fly from out of Bellingham anymore either.
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very lame! it kind of reminds me of jetsgo...remember them...yeash!