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    Sunday, July 06, 2008
    Time Flies
    I have lots to catch you up on, and for some reason every time I think I should write a post, I feel like I don't want to. Once I start it's fine but actually getting myself to sit down and think takes energy. And lately I've sort of been lacking in energy, hence why you haven't heard from me in a while.

    Anyway... Steph's wedding deserves it's own post so I am going to put it off again because I want to dedicate more time to it than I have right now.

    Lately Craig and I both have had some early mornings. Well, Craig has early mornings 6 days a week - 4:30 am mornings to be exact... I have 5:15 am mornings about 3 times a week which seems horrible but then I think about Craig and feel like I can't complain. Although he doesn't have it that bad - he gets to golf for free and stays after work nearly every day to practice, so that makes up for his early mornings. On the days I'm not getting up at 5:15 I get up at 6:15 or I don't work (and then I get up as late as possible). Our evenings have filled up as well - softball 1-2 times a week (which is really fun and we've won most our games) or other church activities, like worship practice or the friday Celebrate Recovery thing that I do some fridays. It feels semi busy but not to where I feel overwhelmed. Right now it seems like the perfect amount, where we have some down time but not too much and we have a lot more people-interaction than we used to. Feeling more "homey" each month I think.

    We started painting our part of the house yesterday, which I am really excited about. The living room is about half done and I pulled down the floral wall paper border in our room because that will be the next place we paint. Here's a pic of me with that lovely stuff... I think I'll wait to post pictures of the painting until it's all done, because right now everything is such a mess in the rooms we're painting that it wouldn't look that great anyway. But I promise, there will be house pics once we get this place looking nicer.

    Oh another thing that happened was that we celebrated our 2 year anniversary by going to the Cheesecake Factory in Buffalo, NY. We had a nice time and ate great food. In some ways the last 2 years went fast but for the most part it actually feels like we've been married for a long time. Our memories of living in that house on 11th ave in Vancouver really do feel like so far away! It will be one year at the end of this month that we moved to Ontario.

    And last but certainly not least, as Craig and I left the house at 3:30 today to both go to work, we came to find out that the newly renovated and finished basement had about 2 inches of water over top of the entire floor... long..long story short, it's out now after numerous trips to Home Depot, being late for work (me) and not going to work at all (craig), and a few hours of panic --> frustration. It sucked big time - and we're hoping that all the hard work down there is not ruined...we just need to get a dehumidifier going so that it doesn't mold.

    And on that note, I'm off to bed for a 6:15am rise tomorrow.
    posted by jamie @ 11:04 PM  
    • At 3:00 PM, July 07, 2008, Blogger Emily Deu said…

      wow so much!!!!!! Good to get an update..glad things are going well. Love ya, with the exception of the flood..

    • At 11:28 PM, July 07, 2008, Blogger Lindsey said…

      that's crazy about your basement jamie! very frustrating! hope it works out alright.

    • At 6:37 PM, July 16, 2008, Blogger Angela Oliver said…

      Good Lord - you guys get up early!!! but it sounds like you both are happy and well. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I just actually came across someone else who recommended the same book - Your comment made me smile, because it was so "you"... miss you. And keep posting! I love reading your updates...

    • At 3:51 AM, July 17, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Yay for 2 year anniversaries!

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    Name: jamie
    Home: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
    About Me: I am an American living in Ontario. I've just recently started going to school again for a BA in Human Services. I like mexican and indian food and watching tv way more than the average individual. I absolutely love talking to my parents on the phone and my brother is one of my best friends. I'm married to a great guy whose pretty much the exact opposite of me but he loves me and makes laugh and we have a lot of fun. I didn't always feel this way, but these days I'm feelin' pretty good. That's my life, welcome to chaos and order.
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