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    Tuesday, December 05, 2006
    Lately I have really been looking into Universities and Colleges that I could possibly attend for the fall, and it is proving to be quite difficult. There are amazingly 6 different schools in the Niagara area, but each location brings hurdles that I just don't see any way around. For example, there are 2 schools on the Canadian side, but both will only take me as an International student, which means the tuition is double what a Canadian would pay, and just simply out of the question. There are 4 schools on the US side, but all would consider me 'Out of State' which once again raises the tuition, as well as the hassle with courses transferring to Canadian universities.

    The other problem is that we both will need to be working while we are going to school, and if I go to school in Canada, I cannot even apply for a student work visa until I have been enrolled and going to school for a minimum of 6 months.. So what on earth would we do for the first 6 months?

    Ugh it's so frustrating.. I can work in the states but commuting to work and go to school 30 miles a day would be so hard and I would never be home! I pretty much spent the better part of this day on the phone back and forth with these schools. Please if you think of it, pray for direction for Craig and I as we try to do what we feel is best for our future. We both really want to go to school to get our degrees as soon as possible... the idea of waiting another year (or 2!) till I get my Canadian Residency just isn't at all what we want. Plus, what would I do? I couldn't work in Canada anyway. I just don't think that's realistic.

    Anyway, sorry for my ranting. Not as fun as talking about TV shows that's for sure!
    posted by jamie @ 1:36 AM  
    • At 2:17 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger Emily Deu said…

      You know a lot of times even if you do not have your work visa and going to school you can get a job at the university. THe moneys not that awesome, but its something. My friend Claire is doing that now as she is from Ireland and cant work yet but is going to school. She decided to babysit, cause you dont need a visa to do that. You would love babysitting and you could make money!

    • At 5:26 PM, December 05, 2006, Blogger kylesbeard said…

      ive heard of similar things, where you dont get pay checks, but they just apply all the money you make to your balance at the university. usually the jobs are just sitting at a desk greeting people or taking phone calls or what not. my friend julie is a desk clerk at the school of medicine library and they only have like... 15 students... so you can imagine how busy she gets!

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    Name: jamie
    Home: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
    About Me: I am an American living in Ontario. I've just recently started going to school again for a BA in Human Services. I like mexican and indian food and watching tv way more than the average individual. I absolutely love talking to my parents on the phone and my brother is one of my best friends. I'm married to a great guy whose pretty much the exact opposite of me but he loves me and makes laugh and we have a lot of fun. I didn't always feel this way, but these days I'm feelin' pretty good. That's my life, welcome to chaos and order.
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