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    Sunday, April 12, 2009
    He Is Risen!
    Happy Easter! This has been a great weekend. Friday morning was our good friday service where I had the honor of playing guitar and singing for the music part with 2 amazing musicians which went really well, despite me losing my voice a few days prior. There was also a really neat drama that is hard to explain how it was done but lets just say it was really powerful. After church and until yesterday afternoon my in-laws were here helping us with more house stuff. We finally got a new ceiling put up in the bathroom (The old one was really bad, from the lack of care of previous owners) and got a coat of paint in there, along with the most of the hall way done. In just a few weeks we will have been in this house a full year, and I'm pretty pleased with the progress we've made. We have the bedroom and living room done, with new paint, furniture, curtains, decor, etc. We have an entirely new yard complete with grass and dirt in the shape of the garden I will hopefully be putting in this summer. And now we're moving onto fixing up the bathroom, and then onto the kitchen where we've started pulling the wallpaper down. It's coming along but I will be soooo happy when it's all done! Although that might not be till we're ready to move out in a few years :)

    Last night I watched most of The Ten Commandments movie (I missed the first 45 min). It was so fun because I have vivid memories of certain scenes from watching when I was a kid, like the Angel of Death part where all the first borns die and the parting of the Red Sea, but other than that I don't think I ever actually watched the whole movie. Then this morning was church, which was amazing. The music was great, with a brass section and dancing from these adorable little ballerinas, and the serman was powerful. I am reminded today of how, even though its horrible to think about what Jesus went through, he did it for me and He defeated death. He is alive today and with us all and I thank Him for that!

    Happy Easter my friends, He is risen indeed!
    posted by jamie @ 1:32 PM  
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    Name: jamie
    Home: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
    About Me: I am an American living in Ontario. I've just recently started going to school again for a BA in Human Services. I like mexican and indian food and watching tv way more than the average individual. I absolutely love talking to my parents on the phone and my brother is one of my best friends. I'm married to a great guy whose pretty much the exact opposite of me but he loves me and makes laugh and we have a lot of fun. I didn't always feel this way, but these days I'm feelin' pretty good. That's my life, welcome to chaos and order.
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