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    Monday, July 04, 2005
    Chaos & Order

    Last night was a really good night of many realizations... i woke up this morning with a renewed trust that God really does have a purpose for me on this earth, and he wants me to find that out little by little, day by day.

    It gets confusing because i dont exactly feel like i am living 'my dreams' because i am not exactly sure what they are. I know i love psychology and child social issues, criminal psychology and justice. But how do i work in those areas? Do i want to get a degree? Do i need a degree? I know that school is not the answer to everything... but it might be good to get the education and training. I dont know though.. i love missions, i am a missionary at heart...and as hard as living on support is, living by faith is very fulfilling. And it's good for me to develop self control and character by going through tough times.

    The only other place i could see myself living right now is New York City...I love that city. But Craig and I looked at NYU this morning and it is nearly 40,000$ a year!! yikes...impossible with man, but with God all things are possible! who the heck knows what will happen..
    posted by jamie @ 9:10 PM  
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    Name: jamie
    Home: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
    About Me: I am an American living in Ontario. I've just recently started going to school again for a BA in Human Services. I like mexican and indian food and watching tv way more than the average individual. I absolutely love talking to my parents on the phone and my brother is one of my best friends. I'm married to a great guy whose pretty much the exact opposite of me but he loves me and makes laugh and we have a lot of fun. I didn't always feel this way, but these days I'm feelin' pretty good. That's my life, welcome to chaos and order.
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